The Tarot's Major Arcana: A Journey of Self-Discovery Part III

Let's continue our journey and learn more about the meanings and symbolism of the Major Arcana Tarot Cards. If you missed Part I or Part II, be sure to check them out for helpful insights into the first cards of the Major Arcana. In this chapter, we will explore the interpretations of the Wheel Of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, and The Devil.

Wheel Of Fortune

When upright in a tarot reading, the Wheel of Fortune card symbolizes good luck, karma, life cycles, and destiny, indicating a time when transformation is inevitable. This card suggests welcoming the dynamic forces at play and understanding that adaptability and openness are required during this time of transformation. Conversely, when reversed, the Wheel of Fortune points to bad luck, and resistance to change, warning that resisting the natural flow of life can lead to stagnation and even anxiety. It advises surrendering to what's inevitable, allowing the universe to guide you through unexpected paths toward your goals, and recognizing that progress comes from working alongside the powers of destiny rather than against them.


The Justice card, when upright in a tarot reading, represents the principles of justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, and the law. It indicates that the truth will triumph, providing clarity in situations that need solving when acting from a place of justice and integrity. This card reassures you that justice is on your side, whether dealing with legal matters or personal disputes, and it calls for self-examination to ensure you are acting justly. Conversely, when reversed, the Justice card points to unfairness, a lack of accountability, dishonesty, and the abuse of power, suggesting that injustice and false claims may be at play, leading to feelings of powerlessness.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man card, when upright in a tarot reading, suggests a pause, surrender, letting go, and new perspectives, indicating a time for patience and awakening. The Hanged Man dangles upside down by choice, offering a metaphorical shift in perspective that brings clarity and encourages an open-minded approach to life's challenges. When this card appears, it signals a crossroads where readjustment and a fresh perspective are needed. Conversely, when reversed, The Hanged Man points to delays, resistance, and indecision, indicating impatience. It suggests that resisting the necessary pause and introspection can lead to shallow decisions and a lack of progress, highlighting the importance of surrendering to the process and embracing the opportunity to gain a new view.


The Death card, when upright in a tarot reading, signifies endings, change, and transformation, indicating a time of renewal. This card suggests that for new opportunities to happen, one must let go of the familiar and venture into the unknown, accepting the inevitable changes that lead to personal growth and new opportunities. The Death card reassures that renewal is near, urging acceptance of change and the possibility of a brighter future. Conversely, when reversed, the Death card points to resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging, discomfort, and stagnation. It warns that desperately clinging to the old can cause unnecessary suffering and hinder progress.


The Temperance card, when upright in a tarot reading, embodies balance, moderation, patience, and purpose, underlining the importance of mindfulness. It suggests that now is the time to focus on achieving balance in all aspects. This card encourages a kind, patient approach, without rushing into potentially life-changing decisions. Temperance invites you to act harmoniously, giving yourself the necessary time to achieve equilibrium. Conversely, when reversed, the Temperance card points to imbalance, and excess, indicating recklessness and impulsiveness. It warns against the dangers of extremes and emphasizes the need for re-alignment and self-healing to restore balance and avoid excess and impulsivity. This card serves as a reminder to moderate your actions and seek harmony within yourself and your circumstances.

The Devil 

The Devil card, when upright in a tarot reading, signifies the shadow self, attachment, addiction, and restriction, stressing the darker aspects of one's intellect. It suggests a time to face your fears and acknowledge the parts of yourself you may dislike. The Devil's presence in a reading often questions these limitations, urging a profound look into the mirror of your soul. Shadow work should be embraced, especially if you are dealing with the consequences of your actions. Conversely, when reversed, the Devil card indicates releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, and detachment, pointing to self-empowerment, independence, determination, and potential. It suggests that you are on the path to breaking free from the chains that have bound you, gaining greater self-control, and exploring your deepest thoughts and beliefs to attain true freedom and personal growth.

Stay tuned for the fourth and last part of The Tarot's Major Arcana: A Journey of Self-Discovery, where we will discover more about The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, and The World Cards! If you are fascinated by Tarot Readings and wish to get daily tarot readings, make sure to subscribe to Vanessa Somuayina's Daily Tarot Readings.

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